Welcome to PACE Alberta

PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) is coming to Alberta (soon). A paceAlberta website will soon be available for you to find out more about our vision of how a PACE financing program in Alberta can transform the sustainability landscape, create jobs and move Alberta towards becoming a net-zero province. Please visit the website to register your support. paceAB.green


  1. Just a few questions. I live in Summerland BC and am party to several organizations promoting awareness of Green Energy initiatives. I have been following PACE in the US for several years and have seen that as the programme developed many hiccups were encountered. I have just recently learned of the Alberta PACE initiative and am wondering if AB is the only province initiating a PACE programme or if other provinces are also jumping on the wagon? I haven't yet thoroughly researched the government Website nor PACE Alaberta however I am just wondering how your initiative is progressing and what roadblocks or pitfalls are being experienced and how those situations are being addressed? AJ Jerry Flaman

    1. Hi Jerry. There are a number of other PACE implementations in Canada although non have been very widely adopted. The most successful is the Halifax program but it is limited to solar. Alberta's program is not yet in place and the enabling legislation was just passed in June. It is not all we had asked for but promises to be a good start and is 85% there. Please call me at 780.902.1584 to get a more detailed update. I am hoping that a similar initiative to the PACE Alberta one starts up in BC and we are interested in assisting anyone or any group who wishes to do so.


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